At Discovery College, our curriculum, along with tailored pathways, evolves with our students' interests and needs. It is a dynamic framework that encourages exploration and critical thinking, enabling students to connect their learning to their passions and fostering a personalised educational journey.
Middle Years Programme (MYP)
Discovery College is an authorised International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) School. The MYP offers a philosophy and a curriculum framework to meet the needs of 11 to 16 year-old students. It aims to combine the best research and practice from a range of national systems and the knowledge and experiences of international schools.
It recognises the unique developmental characteristics of early adolescence, which is marked by significant physical, intellectual, emotional and moral growth and change. In recognition of this, the MYP seeks to facilitate learning experiences that are authentic, holistic, relevant, engaging and build a healthy sense of self. International-mindedness is woven through the fabric of the programme’s framework and is expressed through the IB learner profile.
The framework provides flexibility for teachers to develop teaching programmes that are responsive to needs of students who are making sense of a rapidly changing world and to make authentic connections between their learning and local, regional and international contexts.