
Learning Pathway

Learning Pathway

Primary Years Programme



Curriculum Framework

At the centre of all IB programmes lies the Learner Profile – attributes we wish all IB students develop in order to make this world a better place. 


IB Learner Profile

Learning is designed under the umbrella of six transdisciplinary themes (four in Year 1) which are designed to have enduring value, regardless of geography or background of IB World Schools and students:

  • Who we are
  • Where we are in place and time
  • How we express ourselves
  • How the world works
  • How we organise ourselves
  • Sharing the planet


Teachers design a comprehensive programme of inquiry through the transdisciplinary themes, providing opportunities for students to explore "big ideas" of global significance through engaging, relevant, challenging and significant learning experiences.


The themes are supported by six subjects:

  • Language
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social studies
  • Personal, social and physical education
  • Arts 


Together, the six themes and six subjects develop:

  • knowledge
  • conceptual understandings
  • approaches to learning – skills
  • learner profile attributes
  • action


Middle Years Programme




Curriculum framework

The IB MYP has eight subject groups on the outside of the octagonal curriculum model (Figure 1). All students are expected to study from each of these subject groups, and each group is of equal value. This helps ensure that all students receive a broad and balanced education to draw upon before making decisions about subject specialisation in Years 12 and 13.The eight subject groups are:


  • Language and literature (formerly Languages A)
  • Language acquisition (formerly Languages B)
  • Individuals and societies (formerly Humanities)
  • Physical and health education (formerly Physical Education 
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Design (formerly Technology)
  • Arts Group (Visual Arts, Theatre and Music)


Diploma Programme



Curriculum Model


Full DP students take the core elements consisting of:

  • Theory of Knowledge (ToK)
  • Extended Essay (EE)
  • Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)


Students also take one subject from each of the groups below, three at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL).


Group 1 Higher Level Standard Level
Studies in Language & Literature

English A: Literature

English A: Language & Literature

Chinese A: Language & Literature

English A: Literature

English A: Language & Literature

Chinese A: Language & Literature

Self-taught Language A: Literature

Language & Culture


Group 2 Higher Level Standard Level
Language Acquisition

Mandarin B

Spanish B

Mandarin B

Spanish B

Mandarin Abinito

Spanish Abinito

Group 3 Higher Level Standard Level
Individuals & Societies

Business Management





Environmetal Systems & Societies

Business Management





Environmetal Systems & Societies

Language & Culture

Group 4 Higher Level Standard Level




Design Technology

Sports, Exercise & Health Science

Environmetal Systems & Societies




Design Technology

Sports, Exercise & Health Science

Food Science & Technology

Environmetal Systems & Societies

Group 5 Higher Level Standard Level

Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches

Mathematics: Applications & Interpretations

Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches

Mathematics: Applications & Interpretations

Group 6 Higher Level Standard Level




Visual Arts




Visual Arts


 It is possible to take two Arts subjects, but only if Environmental Systems and Societies is taken as the Group 3/4 subject. IB Diploma Courses students can take six subjects or less, and can do three or less at Higher Level. They can take Theory of Knowledge and do an Extended Essay if they wish. CAS is compulsory for all students at Discovery College.


Core Requirements

Theory of Knowledge (ToK)
In this interdisciplinary course, students explore the nature of knowledge across all disciplines. Critical thinking is encouraged by questioning assumptions and asking how certain we can be of different knowledge claims. The course promotes international mindedness by requiring an understanding of different cultural perspectives.


Extended Essay (EE)
Students have the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest. Through writing this 4,000 word essay, students develop the skills of independent research and academic writing that will prepare them very well for study at university level.


Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)
Students become involved in artistic pursuits, physical activity such as sport, and community service projects. This type of experiential learning fosters awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena. Students carry out and reflect on challenging activities that have real consequences, thus promoting personal responsibility

Career-Related Programme


Curriculum Model


CP students take four core elements consisting of:

  • Reflective Project (RP)
  • Service Learning (SL)
  • Language Development (LD)
  • Personal and Professional Skills (PPS)

Students also take two to four DP subjects (see Diploma Programme information above for details of subjects available) at Standard or Higher level and one career-related course.


Career-related Study


Career-related studies occur through a partner provider. Partnerships with the following institutions have been/are being established for August 2024.


Institution Course(s) Mode of Learning Qualification

International Culinary Institute (ICI) and Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI)

(Hong Kong)

Culinary and Hospitality  Face-to-face and online Certificate in Hotel and Culinary Arts (Level 3)

Build Something Different Education (BSD Hong 


Digital skills
Face-to-face and online Optional Industry qualifications
Savannah College of Art and Design (USA)

Art and Design Joint Enrolment pre-college program:

⁠Foundation studies - Digital Media (STEM)

•⁠  ⁠Foundation studies - Liberal Arts

•⁠  ⁠Advertising and Branding (STEM)

 •⁠  ⁠Graphic Design (STEM)

•⁠  ⁠Interaction Design and Game

Development (STEM)

 •⁠  ⁠Photography

 •⁠  ⁠Sequential Arts

 •⁠  ⁠Business of Beauty and Fragrance

 •⁠  ⁠Fashion Marketing and Management

•⁠  ⁠Social Strategy and Management (STEM)

 •⁠  ⁠and other possible tracks

Online Academic Credits


Aeronautical University (USA/Singapore)

Dual Enrollment program:

•⁠  ⁠Aeronautics Pathway

•⁠  ⁠Aviation Maintenance Pathway

•⁠ ⁠Engineering Pathway

•⁠ Unmanned systems Pathway

•⁠ Business Pathway

•⁠ ⁠General Studies Pathway

Asia Online campus Academic Credits


Management School


Business & Sustainability Online

SUMAS CrS Certificate

(Academic Credits)

World Academy of Sport (UK) International Sport Management Online World Academy of Sport non award bearing certificate (Academic Credits)


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